Thursday, April 26, 2012

Christer Strömholm in Höganäs 29/4-24/6

                                      Christer Strömholm
LACMA in California is now showing two of my top-heroes in photography, Daido Moriyama and Robert Adams. Why can´t these kind of shows reach Swedens west coast. Maybe I should not complain ... Höganäs Museum in small village Höganäs (!) will soon open an exhibition with Christer Strömholm [polaroids taken in the seventies] || opening reception on sunday .. be there.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


                                          Apology | Lauren E. Simonutti, 2012

"The Madness is the Method" [Lauren Simonutti]. Highly talented artist/photographer Lauren E. Simonutti passed away last week due to complications from her illness. Diane Arbus, Francesca Woodman, Lauren Simonutti damn sad. Check Laurens brilliant serie The Devil's Alphabet and 8 Rooms, 7 Mirrors, 6 Clocks, 2 Minds & 199 Panes of Glass.

More here:
Lauren devianART
Lauren blogspot
Lauren gallery
Lauren flickr.